Do you know the typical smell of a septic tank, cesspool, or dry toilet in the event of a sudden change in weather...
Hints and tips
Removing unpleasant odour from domestic sewage treatment plant?
Do you know the typical smell of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) during a sudden change in weather or at higher outdoor ...
A few tips on how to keep your garden pond clean and clear. Have you heard of bacteria? They work great!!!
How to maintain a garden pond easily and ecologically with clear water, fish, plants and at the same time provide safe swimming? It is necessary to follow...
How to compost properly and how to use a compost accelerator?
Do you want to add compost in your garden? Compost is a great solution for creating fertilizer for your trees and plants in your garden. In our ...
Bacteria and enzymes in septic tanks, wastewater treatment plants, ponds.
Bacterial enzymatic products are a mixture of selected natural bacterial cultures, enzymes and nutrients that strengthen and accelerate natural ...
How to properly remove the sludge from a pond? Have you heard of bacteria?
Removing sludge from ponds has been a very topical issue in recent years. Probably everyone can see that the ponds where people used to swim once are now green ...
How to get your pond started after winter.
For the pond to show its full beauty and to ensure suitable conditions for fish and plants therein, it is necessary to take good care of it in ...
Try two guaranteed tips on how to maintain cesspools and septic tanks.
Most customers who have a cesspool or septic tank in a cottage, chalet or family house face problems with odours, but also more and more often problems with the ...
Clean household waste without chemicals? Try our special soil bacteria!
How to clean household waste without chemicals? Use bacteria.
First, let us explain you how the decomposition of organic ...
Mr. Bacteria products for your ECOlogically clean:
Mr. Bacteria No. 1-14 mark of quality
On our website you can buy products of the brand Mr. Bacteria under the designation of Mr. Bacteria No. 1-14. All products from Mr. Bacteria are made of the highest quality raw materials, which ensures their quality, high bacterial strength and functionality. Mr. Bacteria are tested by thousands of satisfied customers. Also try the quality and functionality of our products. We are happy for your satisfaction with the use of our products.
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- Guarantee of product originality
- Made of the highest quality raw materials
- High bacterial concentration and efficacy Free shipping on purchases over 39.90 €
- All product range in stock
- Shipment of the order within 24 hours
- Thousands of happy customers